Friday, October 3, 2008

A break From Anatomy.....

I saw this on a blog and it looked like fun here are the rules
1. Use Google images to answer each question.

2. Choose your favorite picture from ONLY the first page.make the Mosaic on MosiacMaker
3. Remember to explain all the pics.

Here it is, I combined both me and Josh's answers into one mosaic....

1. Your First Name: Megan & Josh, pretty much explains itself

2. Your Middle Name: Lynn & Bruce

3. Your Last Name: Powell, not sure what my pic is of, but Josh's is of lake Powell

4. What Are You Doing Right Now? I'm Studying anatomy, (well i should be) & Josh is at work

5. Favorite Color: Green & Green

6. Best Friend's nick-name: Don't worry about this one, the pic says it all

7. Screen Name: Megz & JPowell, Don't know where the half pipe pic came from, but it works

8.Age: 23, how sad this pic is from Monday nights game where my Ravens lost to the Steelers, the score was 23-20, (The Ravens Really won, the ref's were blind) and Josh is 28,

9.Favorite Place: I like being home, Josh likes the Mountains

10. Celebrity Crush: Travis Barker & Carmen Electra

11. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Pharmacist and Josh wants a Bulldog farm...Don't ask

12. Past Love: Soccer and Skating

13. Where were you born? Burbank Ca & Ogden UT

14. College Degree: We're not done yet

15. Place you've visited: Hawaii and Florida

16. One word to describe you: Lazy & Silly

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Summer Time

I have been meaning to blog about our summer, so here it goes...

We didn't have the most exciting summer ever, between work, school and working on the yard we didn't have too much time for fun!! but all the work defiantly paid off!
Josh worked really hard on our yard all summer, and it looks awesome!! We got the new fence in and also finished fixing up the pool!! Both of the gurlz turned one this summer, we celebrated our 2nd anniversary on 8/11 and I had my 23rd b-day!!! We got to go to Cali for a few days!! The house and the yard pretty much took up all of the spare time we had!! Here's some pics of our summer.....

This is the fence halfway done!! and the pool before
it got it's makeover!

I don't have a pic of the pool after it's make over, but you can kinda see it in this pic of Zoe in the pool for the first time!! She loved the pool!! Shelby on the other hand was not the biggest fan!

Shelby's Birthday!!! On July 17th, 2008 Shelby turned 1!! Here she is on here b-day!

and we can't forget Zoe's B-day!!! on
August 13th, 2008
Zoe turned 1!!!!
Here she is on her b-day with her favorite present!! (Mini-bone)

Finally... my b-day!! one 8/28 I turned 23!!! Josh totally surprised me!! We went to the Alaskan inn (Which I luv) and he planned for us to stay in the Gold mine themed room!! And to stay with the gold mine theme we ate dinner at the Timbermine!! Which is my favorite restaurant!! He did very good planning that birthday!! I loved it and I was totally surprised!!

Husband survey

1. Where did you meet? We met at our friends apartment, but I dont think we spoke to each other till later that night at walmart!!

2. How long did you date before you got married? about 6 months

3. How long have you been married? 2 years

4. What does he do that surprises you? Lot's of stuff

5. What is your favorite feature of his? EVERYTHING

6. What is your favorite quality of his? He is super Funny!! and he works very hard!!!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? yes he does

8. What is his favorite color? Green

9. ??????

10. What is his favorite food? Sour Patch Kids

11. What is his favorite sport? snowboarding!

12. When and where was your first kiss? when: after snowboarding a long time ago, where: beau;s basement

13. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? we do everything as a couple, snowboarding, arcade games, little golf, bowling, road trips!! we love it all

14. Do you have any children?2 dogs and that's all for a very very long time

15. Does he have a hidden talent?he can moo like a cow very well

16. How old is he? 28

17. Who said "I love you" first? He did

18. What do you admire most about him? everything

19. Do you think he will read this? maybe one day...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

aBoUT uS......

aLittLE BiT aBoUT uS......
*we were married on August 11th 2006
*we bought our house in Ogden in August of 2007
*Megan works @ Mckay-Dee Hospital & Josh Works @ ATK
*Megan is going to school to be a pharmacist and Josh is working on a business degree
*we have to one year old gurlz, Shelby and Zoe
*we like to snowboard
*Josh was born on April 14th, 1980 & Megan was born August 28th, 1985
*Josh grew up in North Ogden, Ut and Megan grew up in Santa Clarita, CA
*we like rock climbing
............and thats all I can think of............

OuR GurLz

Shelby & Zoe

FiRst BloG

So after being told to over and over again, I have decided to start a blog!!!